for providing entertainment and/or related services by purchasinga ticket
This document is an open offer (Offer) of the Limited Liability Company "SLUH-MEDIA", which isa legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, identification code - 43019560, Limited Liability Company "CONCERT", which isa legal entity under the laws of Ukraine , identification code - 43915844, which is addressed to an unspecified circle of persons, to concludea contract for the provision of entertainment and/or related services by sellinga ticket (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) under the conditions set forth in this Offer.
In accordance with Articles 633, 638, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, this Agreement isa public contract and, in case of acceptance of the conditions set forth in it, any legally capable natural person, natural person-entrepreneur or legal entity becomesa party to Agreement and undertakes to fulfill all its conditions.
The offer comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the link: / https :// / is indefinite and valid until it is withdrawn by the Agent.
The location of the Agent is determined by the parties as the place of conclusion of this Agreement.
In this document, the following terms and definitions are used both in the singular and in the plural, in the following meanings:
1.1 ."Contract" isa public contract (offer) addressed to any natural person and/or natural person-entrepreneur and/or legal entity to concludea public contract with him for the provision of entertainment and/or related services through sale of the ticket under the conditions set forth in it. Placed by the Agent at: / https :// / . and/or available at the Buyer's request at the Ticket Sales Points (further on, both the Agreement and the Offer are used depending on the context).
1.2 ."Acceptance" - full confirmation and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of all terms of this Offer.
1.3 . "Site" - https :// concert . ua / https ://parter . ua / https : // uk - an Internet site, which is alsoa trading platform, which provides an opportunity for Buyers to purchasea Ticket to the West.
1.4 . "System" (automated ticket sales system " V - ticket ") - the software and technical complex of the Agent, intended for managing ticket management, ensuring accounting of operations and realizing the possibility of booking (reservation ), order and purchase of Tickets, and independent access of Buyers to individual blocks of which is possible through the Internet on the Site.
1.5 . "Agent" -a legal entity under the legislation of Ukraine (SLUKH-MEDIA LLC, CONCERT LLC), which provides Related Services to Buyers on its own behalf , and when concluding transactions for the provision of Spectacular services through the sale of tickets - acts on behalf, under the control, in the interests and at the expense of the Organizer.
1.6 ."Organizer" -a legal entity, ora natural person-entrepreneur, ora person engaged in independent professional activity, who provides Spectacular service, by organizing the Event, on behalf of, under the control of, and in the interests of and at the expense of which Agent is authorized to sell tickets. The organizer has all the necessary rights to organize and hold the event.
1.7 ."Ticket" -a document that confirms the conclusion of the contract between the Buyer and the Organizer and the right of the Spectator (Buyer) toa one-time visit (passage, viewing, listening) to the Event of the Organizer (entrance Ticket), including the Electronic ticket. The Ticket has an ordered set of data, including the data generated by the System, which includes the values of the Ticket details (cost, amount of the Service Fee, name of the Event, place, date and time of its holding and other additional information ofa legal or technical nature). The ticket is nota product.
1.8 ."Electronic ticket" —a document generated by the System in electronic and digital form (a set of parameters and statuses in the System), containsa bar code, cost, amount of the Service Fee, name of the Event, place, date and time its implementation and other additional information ofa legal or technical nature.
1.9 . "Barcode" –a code generated by the System that is assigned toa Ticket or Certificate and identifies it.
1.10 ."Nominal value of the ticket" - the value of the Ticket set by the Organizer for all Buyers.
1.11 ."Ticket price" (order) - the total amount of the nominal value of the Ticket and Related services.
1.12 ."Order" - Event selected by the Buyer, for which the Buyer wishes to purchasea Ticket from the Agent, for which the Buyer: agrees to all the terms of the Offer, chooses such Event, seat/seats among those available for sale on the Site, method of paying for the Ticket; and in respect of which the Buyer received confirmation from the Agent of the Ticket price, the possibility of booking/reserving/purchasing it, the amount of the Related Services, and made such booking/reserving/payment. The order contains, among other things, the total amount, the date and time of the order/payment and other related data. The order is formed taking into account the amount of taxes and fees established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
1.13 ."Buyer" - an individual who has reached the age of majority in accordance with the legislation of the country of his/her citizenship and/or an individual entrepreneur and/ora legal entity to whom the Agent provides booking, registration and sale of Tickets for Events. The Buyer purchases and pays for the Spectacle and Related Service.
1.14 ."Spectator" (listener) -a person who directly attends the Event witha Ticket, presenting it for control, and consumes the Entertainment service (in the text of the Agreement, it is referred to as Spectator and/or Buyer, depending on the context) .
1.15 ."Event" -a cultural and entertainment event, including but not limited toa theatrical performance, concert, circus performance, festival, show, lecture, performance, sports competition, training and any other combination of actions, aimed at organizing the provision of Spectacular Services in one place and time, united bya single purpose and character, visiting which is possible only after presentinga special document —a Ticket and/or an Electronic Ticket. The event is held by the Organizer.
1.16 ."Period of the Event" -
1.17 ."Spectacular service" -a service ofa cultural, educational, sports nature, which is provided to the Buyer by the Organizer as part of the Event, with the direct presence of the Spectator at such an Event.
1.18 ."Related services" - services that are inextricably linked to the procedure of sellinga Ticket using the System, and which are provided by the Agent and consumed by the Buyer directly during the sale of the Ticket.
1.19 ."Fee for services" -a part of the cost of the Agent's related services, which is paid by the Buyer simultaneously and together with the face value of the Ticket in order to cover (compensate) the Agent's expenses incurred during his provision of services for organizing the sale of Tickets, including, but not limited to, technical support for the sale of Tickets, support for the Agent's infrastructure, information security, compensation for the cost of financial operations (acquiring, providing information to Buyers, processing Orders), etc. The size of the Service Fee for each Ticket is determined by the Agent in agreement with the Organizer, or by the Agent independently asa percentage of the Ticket's face value or fixed value.
1.20 ."Additional services" - part of the cost of the Agent's related services, which are not included in the Service Fee but which the Agent can additionally provide to Buyers for an additional fee, the amount of which is determined by the Agent himself.
1.21 ."Reservation" -a formed Order that is in waiting mode for payment by the Buyer.
1.22 ."Reservation Validity Period" - the time period from the moment of placing the Order to the moment of payment of the Order, set by the Agent in the System during which the Tickets included in the Order are not available for use by other persons except the Purchaser of this Order during the entire Reservation Period .
1.23 ."Cancellation" - removal of Tickets from the Order with automatic transfer of them to free sale in the System (Site). If the Order is not paid, it is canceled automatically.
1.24 ."Point of sale" isa cash desk for the sale of Tickets for both the Agent and the Agent's Sub-agents.
1.25 ."Rules of stay at the Institution/at the Event" are the rules and regulations of the Institution/Organizer established for Spectators during their stay at the Institution/at the Event.
1.26 ."Subagent" isa legal entity, or an individual entrepreneur, ora person engaged in independent professional activity, which sells Tickets to Buyers on the basis of contracts concluded with the Agent for the sale of tickets for various Events. The rules of this Offer apply to such contracts, unless otherwise specified in the contract between the Agent and the Subagent.
1.27 ."Principal" -a legal entity, or an individual entrepreneur, ora person engaged in independent professional activity who instructs the Agent on behalf of the Principal and/or the Organizer at his expense to provide services for the sale of Tickets to the Event.
1.28 ."Personal data" is information ora set of information abouta natural person, which is identified or can be specifically identified with their help (including but not limited to: surname, first name, gender, contact phone number , city).
1.29 ."Certificate" -a document created using the System, which gives the right to partial or full payment of the cost of the Ticket(s) when placing an order on the Site, wherea bar code must be entered in the corresponding section, after which The certificate loses its validity and cannot be used again.
2.1 .This Agreement (Offer) regulates the conditions and procedure for the sale of Tickets, as well as the rights and obligations arising in connection with this for the Agent, the Buyer and the Organizer.
2.2 .The sale of Tickets to the Buyer (including Electronic tickets) is carried out exclusively on the terms of this Offer and only in case of full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Offer by the Buyer (acceptance of the Offer). Partial Acceptance and Acceptance on other terms are not allowed. The Buyer's use of the Agent's services on the terms proposed in this Offer indicates the conclusion of this Agreement between them. 2.3 .If the Buyer does not fully accept the terms of this Offer, the sale of Tickets (including Electronic Tickets) is not carried out. Tickets purchased by the Buyer cannot be returned if the Buyer does not agree with the terms of this Offer. Refunds for Tickets purchased by the Buyer are possible only in the manner and under the conditions established by this Offer. 2.4 .When purchasing Tickets from the Agent bya legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, payment for Tickets in this case is made only by transferring funds to the Agent's bank account on the basis of an invoice issued by the Agent. 2.5 .The provisions of this Offer may be changed by the Agent without any prior notice and/or approval of the Buyers. The new edition of the Offer enters into force from the moment of its placement (publication) on the Site (if necessary at the Sales Points), unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Offer. The Buyer's use of the Agent's services after making changes to the text of the Offer means Acceptance of the Offer taking into account the changes made. 2.6 .By registering on the Site, the Buyer guarantees that he has reached the age of majority in accordance with the legislation of his country of citizenship. 2.7 .The terms of this Offer are valid both for Buyers making payments through the Site and at Sales Points, and do not depend on the form of payment. 2.8 .The Agent has the right to terminate the Offer at any time without prior notice to the Buyer in case of violation by the latter of the terms of this Offer and other rules. 2.9 .In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language", all information on the Site is in Ukrainian. The buyer, at his own discretion, can choose another language of the Site (Russian or English). At the same time, the language of the Ticket is the language chosen by the Buyer on the Site (for example, if the Buyer chose the English version of the Site, then the Ticket will be in English). 2.10 .The Agent has the right to independently perform actions related to the distribution of Tickets, as well as at its discretion to transfer such rights to third parties without additional coordination with the Organizer and the Buyer. 2.11 .This Agreement hasa non-monopoly nature, the Agent has the right to represent other business entities and conclude any other agreements without any additional agreement with the other party.3. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT
3.1 .On the terms defined in this public offer (Offer), as well as the essential terms stipulated and confirmed by the parties ina separate Order: 3.1.1 .between the Organizer and the Buyer,a contract for the provision of Spectacle Services is concluded, according to which the Organizer undertakes to grant the Buyer the right (access) to visit the Event asa Spectator, and to consume Spectacle Services, for which the Buyer will purchasea Ticket from the Agent, and the Buyer undertakes to pay To the Agent, the cost of such Entertainment Service (hereinafter - Agreement for the provision of Entertainment Service). 3.1.2 .between the Agent and the Buyer,a contract for the provision of Ancillary Services is concluded, according to which the Agent undertakes to provide the Buyer with the Ancillary Services ordered by him, and the Buyer undertakes to pay the Agent the cost of such Ancillary Services (hereinafter - Agreement for the Provision of Ancillary Services ). Related services are inextricably linked to the sale of the Ticket, regardless of its form (electronic, paper), the Order procedure (Internet, Call Center , Points of sale), and the form of payment, and therefore are provided to the Buyer with every sale of the Ticket.4. GENERAL CONDITIONS
4.1. This Offer contains conditions upon agreement and observance of which the Buyer can purchase the Spectacle and Related Services by purchasinga Ticket from the Agent, and the validity of which extends to all methods of execution of the Order by the Buyer and forms of its payment. The essential and additional terms of the concluded: Contract for the provision of Entertainment Services and the Contract for the provision of Related Services are contained in this Offer and the completed Order (its specifications). 4.2 .Asa result of the purchase ofa Ticket for the Event, the Buyer and the Organizer enter into an Agreement for the provision of the Spectacle Service specified in the Ticket. The Ticket purchased from the Agent for the Organizer's Event confirms the Organizer's obligation to the Buyer: to ensure the Spectator's admission (that is, for the holder of the Ticket) to the Event's dates and location specified in the Ticket, for the Spectator's consumption of the Spectacle service. 4.3 .In order to consume the Spectacle service, the Buyer / Spectator must take all actions dependent on him, such as: 4.3.1 .order and pay for the Ticket (the procedure is described ina separate section of this offer). 4.3.2 .geta Ticket in the manner specified in Section 8 of the Offer. 4.3.3 .arrive on time at the Institution in which the Event is held, pass the control (present the Ticket before redemption), and, ifa separate seat is indicated on the Ticket, occupy it. Unless otherwise specified in the Organizer's conditions, which will be specified when orderinga Ticket. Spectator access to the Facility where the Event will be held opens one hour before the scheduled start of the Event and continues until the actual start of the Event. You can pass control at the West with an outstanding Ticket only once (the Ticket can be scanned only once - after that it becomes invalid). In the event that the Spectator, after passing the control, goes beyond it, re-passing witha redeemed Ticket, and the Spectator's admission to the Event will not be possible, even upon presentation ofa redeemed Ticket. The scheduled start of the Event is stipulated when ordering the Ticket, and is specified in the Ticket. In the event that the Spectator, due to his own fault or initiative, did not arrive at the Institution on time, and/or did not pass the control, and/or left the Institution before the start or end of the Event, the Organizer, provided that he held the Event, is considered to have properly performed the terms of the Performance Service Agreement (provided the Buyer with access to the Event and the possibility of consuming the Performance Service), and is not responsible to the Spectator and/or Buyer for non-receipt of the Spectator Service by such Spectator and/or Buyer (in this case, money to the Buyer under any circumstances are not returned). 4.3.4 .not to leave the Institution on your own initiative until the end of the Event. In the event that the Spectator left the Event on his own initiative before its completion, and provided that the Event corresponds to the one specified in the Ticket, the Entertainment service is considered to have been provided/consumed by the Buyer/Spectator in full and properly (in this case, the Buyer's money under no circumstances return). 4.3.5 .not to violate the Rules of stay in the Institution/at the Event established by the Organizer and/or the Institution. Such Rules of stay in the Institution/at the Event are partially specified in the Ticket and may be supplemented/changed by the Organizer and/or the Institution; 4.4 .Associated services of the Agent are ordered and consumed by the Buyer at the time of ordering the Event Ticket according to the procedure specified in this Offer until the Buyer pays the Service Fee as part of the Ticket Price. The fact of payment of the Service Fee by the Buyer isa confirmation of the Buyer's full agreement with all the conditions of receiving Related Services, as well as confirmation of the fact of proper provision of such Related Services by the Agent, and their undisputed consumption by the Buyer. 4.5 .The Agent is responsible for the proper provision of Related Services by the Agent to the Buyer.5. PROCEDURE FOR ORDERING TICKETS (CONCLUSION OF CONTRACT)
5.1 .By placing an order, the Buyer confirms that he is familiar with all the conditions of this Offer, the Rules of stay at the Institution/at the West, such conditions are clear to him, and he undertakes to observe and fulfill them properly and in full. 5.2 .Tickets can be ordered in one of the following possible ways: 5.2.1 .online, by accessing the System: froma web browser, by going to the Site and going through the procedure of Ordering and paying fora Ticket; 5.2.2 .at the Point of Sale by going through the procedure of Ordering and paying for the Ticket. 5.3 .The procedure for ordering the Organizer's Ticket and Related Agent Services (coordinating and confirming the agreement of each party with all the essential and additional terms of the contracts to be concluded) requires the parties to go through the following mandatory stages: 5.3.1 .selection by the Buyer ofa specific seat for the selected Event, the Ticket for which he wishes to purchase, and which is freely available for sale by the Agent (that is, which is not reserved, not booked, and not sold at the time of placing the Order); 5.3.2 .confirmation by the Buyer of consent to purchase the Ticket selected by him by confirming consent with the final amount of the Order (Ticket Price). Such confirmation is made by the Buyer verbally (when ordering by phone or at the Point of Sale), or by clicking on the appropriate button that contains confirmation of consent, when ordering through the Site. Such confirmation by the Buyer is considered his full agreement with the conditions of purchase of the selected Spectator service of the Organizer and the accompanying service of the Agent. By making such confirmation, the Buyer hereby unequivocally confirms that he: - timely and in advance received the necessary, available, reliable and unambiguous information provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" about the Entertainment Service and Related Services, which ensures the possibility of their conscious and competent choice, and such information is completely understandable, acceptable and sufficient in form and volume. - independently read the acts (decisions) of the state authorities of Ukraine regarding the prevention of the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID -19 on the territory of Ukraine, including but not limited to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the establishment of quarantine and the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of the disease on the territory of Ukraine of the acute respiratory disease COVID - 19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus " dated December 9 , 2020 No. 1236 ( ) . 5.3.3 .confirmation by the Agent of the possibility of ordering the Entertainment Service and the Related Service by purchasing the Ticket selected by the Buyer in the Order. Such confirmation is expressed by the Agent in writing through the Site (if the Order is made through the Site), or verbally (cashier/ call operator Center ). After confirmation by the Buyer of the agreement to purchase the selected Ticket, and confirmation by the Agent of the possibility of the Buyer purchasing sucha Ticket, such Ticket is considered Ordered and reserved for the Buyer. Such reserve lasts until the Buyer pays for the Ticket ordered by him, but not more than twenty (20) minutes - in case the Buyer makes an order through the Site, or no more than one (1) minute - in case the Buyer makes an order at the Point of Sale. In the event that the Buyer does not pay for the order (Ticket Price) within the specified reservation time, the order is considered canceled and the Ticket is returned for free sale; 5.3.4 .payment of the Ticket Price can be made in cash or non-cash at the Buyer's choice (from those offered on the Site), which he makes during the Order. Payment in cash can be made at the Sales Points. Payment in non-cash form can be made by paying the Ticket Price by money order, or using special payment means of bank and non-bank payment systems, or international payment systems. The bank or payment system through which the Buyer makes the payment is responsible for saving and protecting the data of such payment means, as well as for making the payment. Payment in non-cash form by payment order is considered to be made at the moment the Agent receives the funds to his current bank account. Payment in non-cash form using payment means is considered to have been made at the time the Agent receives electronic confirmation of the transaction from the operator of the payment system, subject to the subsequent crediting (receipt) of funds, in the amount of the Price of the ordered Ticket(s), to the Agent's bank account. When paying by payment order or using payment systems, the Buyer may be chargeda separate fee for settlement and cashier service, which is not included in the Ticket Price, in favor of banks or payment system operators. 5.4 .After paying for the Order and receiving the Ticket, the Organizer and the Buyer enter intoa Performance Service Agreement. The Spectator (that is, the Buyer, ora third party, in the case of concludinga contract for the benefit ofa third party) can receive such Spectator service, who presentsa valid Control Ticket at the entrance to the Institution where the Event will be held.6. RULES OF ACCEPTANCE
6.1. The order is considered completed, and this Offer is fully and voluntarily accepted (Accepted) by the Buyer under the conditions provided for in the Offer and the specific Order, after performing all the actions provided for in clause 5.3. of this Offer, at the time of full payment by the Buyer of the price of the Ordered Tickets to the Agent. 6.2. By accepting this Offer, the Buyer guarantees and confirms that he received the necessary, clear, accessible and reliable information about the Spectacle and Related Services ordered by him, including the name of the Event, the names (pseudonyms) of the artists, about the use or non-use of phonograms, the nominal price of the Ticket, the price of the Ticket, the procedure and conditions of its purchase, use, return, commission of banks and remuneration of payment systems for transferring money, as well as about the persons of the Organizer, the Agent, and that such information was correctly perceived by him, and allowed him to makea conscious and competent choice and fulfill the Order, and also realizes that the Agent is authorized to performa limited list of actions on behalf of the Organizer, which are aimed exclusively at the conclusion of the Contract for the provision of Entertainment Services (sale of the right to attend the Event and receive the Entertainment Services of the Organizer) , by sellinga Ticket. 6.3. Also, by accepting this Offer, the Buyer agrees that the Agent bears no responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Organizer of the obligations imposed on him by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", or which he will assume before the Buyer under the Agreement for providing Spectacle service, as well as for any other violations (including claims for damages or damage) committed by the Organizer during the organization of the Event, as well as not performing the functions of the Organizer, asa performer of the Spectacle service, regarding the timely provision to the Buyers of the necessary, understandable, accessible and reliable information about the Spectacle service and the identity of the Organizer, and acceptance of claims from Buyers regarding the Organizer's Spectacle services, i.e. all claims regarding improper informing them, or Spectacle services Buyers should send to the Organizer. If the Organizer and the Agent do not agree otherwise, the Agent is not authorized and does not accept the cancellation of the Ticket from the Buyer, does not return money for the sold Tickets.7. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES
7.1.1. Independently obtain information from open sources about the cost of Tickets for Events, the amount of the Fee for services and the cost of Additional Services from other ticket operators, and based on the information received, makea decision about purchasing Tickets from the Agent. 7.1.2. To receive information about the rules of selling Tickets, available categories of Tickets and other information about the Events, which the Agent possesses within the scope of his powers, using the methods specified on the Site. 7.1.3. Independently choose the method of payment for the Ticket from those proposed by the Agent on the Site. At the same time, the Buyer is obliged to familiarize himself with the rules of using one or another payment method. 7.1.4. Send feedback about the Agent's work to the Agent's contacts.7.2. THE BUYER IS OBLIGED:
7.2.1. Provide exclusively complete and reliable information about yourself, the selected payment method and other data specified when orderinga Ticket. In the event that the Buyer's Order is not fulfilled/will be fulfilled incorrectly, inaccurately, or incompletely due to erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information about the Buyer, his details are allowed by the Buyer when placing the order, or its payment - neither the Organizer nor the Agent are responsible responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations under the relevant Order. 7.2.2. Read in detail all the rules of this Offer and accept them when purchasinga Ticket, as well as all additional rules governing the relations of the Parties under this Offer. 7.2.3. The Buyer has the right to refuse to purchasea Ticket from the Agent until the payment of the Order is made in accordance with the conditions stipulated in this Offer. Sucha refusal will result in termination of all the Agent's duties towards the Buyer. 7.2.4. The buyer alone bears all responsibility for minor children, in whose interests he buys the Ticket. 7.2.5. Pay in full the price of Tickets and Related services. 7.2.6. Observe the Rules of stay in the Institution/at the West. 7.2.7. In the cases indicated in this Offer, cancel the Order, return the purchased Ticket to the Organizer, and demand from him the return of the nominal price of the Ticket under the conditions and in the manner provided for in Section X of the Instructions for conducting ticket management in theater and entertainment enterprises and cultural and educational institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine No. 452 dated 07.07.1999 and the Law of Ukraine "On Theaters and Theatrical Business". 7.2.8. Do not post, publish, transmit or distribute messages that may be ofa criminal nature or cause any harm to the Agent, Principal, Organizer and other Buyers. 7.2.9. In order to prevent the possibility of using the purchased Ticket bya third party, the Buyer/Spectator is obliged to make all efforts dependent on them, thanks to which such Ticket or the information printed on it could not get to third parties, including not making copies of the Ticket and in any do not disclose Barcodes of the Ticket.7.2.10 The Buyer (Viewer) undertakes to implement and comply with the acts (decisions) of the state authorities of Ukraine aimed at preventing the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine, including but not limited to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On establishing quarantine and introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on the territory of Ukraine" dated December 9, 2020 No. 1236 (
7.3.1. Require the Buyer to comply with all procedures for registration and payment of the Order according to the rules set forth in this Offer. 7.3.2. In the event of the Buyer's refusal to accept the terms of this Offer, refuse the Buyer the sale of the Ticket and the provision of Related Services. 7.3.3. To require the Buyer to fulfill the obligations assigned to the Buyer/Viewer, according to the terms of this Offer. 7.3.4. Refuse the sale of the Ticket and the provision of Related Services to the Buyer if the Buyer violates the terms of the Order placed by him. 7.3.5. Change or terminate this Offer unilaterally. Such change or suspension of this Offer does not apply to Orders placed before such changes, which were accepted for execution. 7.3.6. Modify any software of the System and/or the Site. To stop the operation of software tools that ensure the functioning of the System and/or the Site, in order to detect malfunctions, errors and failures, as well as to carry out preventive work and prevent cases of unauthorized access. The Agent bears no responsibility for the failure of the communication channels through which the Buyer connects to the Site. 7.3.7. Set and change the cost of the Related Services unilaterally and at any time. 7.3.8. Include in the price of the Order and charge the Buyer the cost of the Service Fee and the cost of Additional Services. 7.3.9. If the Buyer fails to comply with any of the clauses of this Offer, deny him the conclusion of the Contract for the provision of Entertainment and Related Services.7.3.10. Add to the nominal price of the ticket an additional fee for Additional services, which include, but are not limited to:
- for personal processing of the Order by the operator when placing the Ticket Order through the Agent's contact center (phone, online chat, e-mail);
- for creatinga message with attached electronic tickets and sending it by e-mail to the Buyer;
- for booking Tickets witha guarantee of their availability for redemption at the Point of Sale, withina certain time when placing the Order;
- for printing Tickets at the Point of Sale;
- for placing an Order with payment through payment terminals;
- for receiving and collecting cash;
- for registration and personal processing by the contact center of collective orders of Tickets (the number of Tickets in one order exceeds the maximum set for the Event);
- and other Services.
The cost of Additional Services is determined by the Agent independently and may be changed at any time.
7.3.11. Engage third parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.
7.4.1. Provide the Buyer with the necessary information about the specific Event. 7.4.2. Provide the Buyer with instructions for issuing/paying/receivinga Ticket. The information that the Agent publishes on the Site and/or provides at the Sales Points is considered comprehensive information.7.5. THE ORGANIZER HAS THE RIGHT:
7.5.1. Change prices for unordered (unreserved) and unpaid Tickets. 7.5.2. To prevent the Buyer (Spectator) from entering the Facility where the Event is taking place in the event of non-implementation or improper implementation of the latest acts (decisions) of the state authorities of Ukraine aimed at preventing the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine, including but not limited to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers " On the establishment of quarantine and the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on the territory of Ukraine" dated December 9, 2020 No. 1236 ( If necessary, require the Buyer (Viewer) to presenta vaccination certificate in the manner and under the conditions stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.
If the Buyer (Spectator) refuses to presenta vaccination certificate, the Organizer has the right to prevent the latter from entering the Institution where the Event is taking place, and the money for the purchased Ticket will not be returned to the Buyer.
7.5.4. Make changes to the Event Period
7.6.1. To provide the Buyer or the Spectator, in whose interests the Buyer has entered into the Performance Service Agreement (clause 3.1.1.), the Performance Service at the place and time specified in the Ticket. 7.6.2. Provide the Buyer with the necessary information about the conditions of stay at the Institution/at the West. 7.6.3. The Organizer undertakes to providea pass for the Spectator who presentsa valid Ticket to the Event at the entrance to receive the Spectacle Service, provided that such Spectator complies with the Rules of stay in the Institution/at the Event.A Ticket purchased by the Buyer from the Agent is considered valid, provided that it is not used (redeemed) by anyone before the Spectator passes control, or if it is not canceled and returned to free sale. 7.6.4. To return funds to Buyers in accordance with the Instructions for ticket management in theater and entertainment enterprises and cultural and educational institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine No. 452 of 07.07.1999, the Law of Ukraine "On Theaters and Theatrical Affairs" and the Law of Ukraine "On consumer rights protection".8. RECEIPT OF TICKETS BY PURCHASER
8.1. Transfer of Tickets to the Buyer is carried out only after full payment of the Ticket Price, Related services at the Buyer's choice, in one of the following ways:- the Agent sendsa letter to the Buyer's e-mail, as an attachment to the letter there is an Electronic Ticket form witha unique Barcode.
- The Buyer can get the Ticket directly at the Point of Sale.
8.2. When receivinga Ticket in paper form by the Buyer/Spectator at the Point of Sale, he must identify himself, that is, name himself and presenta document confirming his identity, or state the Order number.9. SEPARATE PROVISIONS REGARDING ELECTRONIC TICKETS
9.1. When purchasing an Electronic Ticket, the Buyer undertakes in any case to provide his valid e-mail address, telephone number, as well as to indicate his surname and the name of the recipient of the Ticket (in some cases, passport data, if there are such requirements according to the Laws of Ukraine and/ or Principal and/or Organizer). In case of failure to provide such information (valid e-mail address, phone number, surname and first name of the Buyer and recipient of the Ticket, passport data), as well as in the case of providing false or invalid information, the Agent has the right to refuse the Buyer to purchase an Electronic Ticket. 9.1.1. If the Buyer provides (enters) inaccurate information about himself during the purchase ofa Ticket, then in this case neither the Organizer nor the Agent bear any responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the provision of Spectacle and Related Services. 9.2. The buyer accepts and agrees that he is fully responsible for reporting an incorrect or invalid e-mail address. 9.3. The e-ticket is sent to the Buyer to his e-mail address only if the Buyer complies with the terms of this Offer regarding the payment of the price of the Ticket and Related Services. 9.4. The buyer is obliged to print the Electronic Ticket independently and at his own expense. When printing the Electronic Ticket, the Buyer must make sure of the proper quality of printing the Electronic Ticket (readability of all details). In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligation established by this clause, the Buyer is fully responsible for similar actions (inaction), including in case of refusal by the Event Organizer to enter the Event due to improper printing of the Electronic Ticket. The Agent bears no responsibility for any losses incurred by the Buyer, in case of violation of the conditions of this clause, due to the fact that the Agent is nota party to the Contract for the provision of Entertainment Services. 9.5. The Buyer has the right, if this is allowed by the Principal and/or the Organizer of the Event and it is indicated by the Agent at the time of issuing the Electronic Ticket on the Site, when entering the Event, to present the Electronic Ticket stored in the memory of the technical device belonging to the Buyer, for provided that sucha device allows the document to be displayed for control (scanning) by the access control system at the venue of the Event. 9.6. The buyer is solely responsible for saving and protecting the Barcode of the Electronic Ticket against copying. In case of copying (loss, etc.) of the Barcode, access to the Event will be opened only once for the Ticket that was first presented for scanning (these conditions also apply to printed tickets). 9.6.1. The Buyer agrees that if he failed to save the Barcode from copying, in this case the Agent bears no responsibility for the attendance of the Event by the person who first reported the Barcode and who is not the Buyer or Spectator.10. CONTRACT TERMINATION PROCEDURE
10.1. The order, in terms of the conclusion of the Contract for the provision of Spectacular Services (clause 3.1.1.), as well as the Contract for the provision of Related Services (clause 3.1.2), is considered not to have been completed, and does not require additional actions on the part of the Buyer and the Agent, its cancellation (termination, termination), if: the Buyer has not confirmed to the Agent his consent to purchase the Ticket chosen by him (clause 5.3.2), or the Agent has not confirmed his consent to sell the Ticket to the Buyer (clause 5.3.3); 10.2. The order is considered to be canceled at the initiative of the Buyer, and the obligations of the parties under the Agreement concluded between the Organizer and the Buyer to provide Spectacular Service are terminated, if:10.2.1. The Buyer did not pay the Ticket Price within twenty (20) minutes after the Agent confirmed the possibility of purchasing the Ticket, if the order was made by the Buyer through the Site, or if the Buyer did not pay the Ticket Price within one (1) minute, after confirming to the cashier at the Point of Sale his consent to purchase the selected Ticket ;
10.2.2. The spectator did not arrive at the Institution at the scheduled start time of the Event and/or violated the Rules of stay at the Institution/at the Event, violated and/or did not comply with the acts (decisions) of the state authorities of Ukraine aimed at preventing the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine, including, but not limited to, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the establishment of quarantine and the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on the territory of Ukraine" dated December 9, 2020 No. 1236 (https ://, in connection with which, was not admitted to the Event, or was removed from the Institution by the Organizer's or the Institution's employees before the end of the Event, and/or lost the Ticket, and, because of this, could not receive Entertainment service in whole or in part. In this case, the Ticket Price paid by the Buyer is non-refundable.
10.2.3. The Buyer (Spectator) refused to presenta vaccination certificate to the Organizer, asa result of which he was not admitted to the Event, or was removed from the Institution by the Organizer's or Institution's employees before the end of the Event and therefore could not receive the Spectacle Service in whole or in part. In this case, the money paid by the Buyer (Ticket Price) is non-refundable.
10.3. Order, in part 3.1.1. of this Offer (Agreement for the provision of Entertainment Services) is considered to be canceled at the initiative of the Organizer, and the obligations of the parties under the Agreement for the provision of Entertainment Services concluded between the Organizer and the Buyer are terminated (taking into account clause 10.4. and section 19 of this Agreement), if: 10.3.1. The Organizer has canceled his Event (which he announced openly and publicly or notified the Buyer); 10.3.2. The Organizer did not hold the Event at the place and time specified in the Ticket, asa result of which the Buyer, who arrived on time at the Institution where the Event was supposed to take place, was unable to receive the Spectacle service ordered by him due to the Organizer's fault; 10.3.3. After purchasing the Ticket, the Organizer moved the date of the Event, or made other critical changes to the Event specified in the Ticket, about which it communicated openly and publicly and/or notified the Buyer, if the Buyer did not agree to such changes and wishes to surrender the Ticket to the Organizer without exchanging it for another Organizer's Ticket. 10.4. In the cases specified in clause 10.3. of this Offer, the Buyer who did not receive the Spectacle Service has the right to demand from the Organizer the return of the Nominal Ticket price to him in accordance with the terms of Section 11. At the same time, the cost of Related Services (Service Fee, Additional Services) provided by the Agent are not subject to refund.
11.1. In accordance with the Instructions for conducting ticket management in theater and entertainment enterprises and cultural and educational institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine No. 452 of 07.07.1999, the Law of Ukraine "On Theaters and Theatrical Affairs" and the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" » all and any claims regarding the quality of the provided or non-provided Entertainment Service, as well as any claims for the return of the nominal value of the Ticket, compensation for losses or damage in connection with the cancellation, postponement or change of the Event, or the quality of its performance, can be presented only by the Buyer, and exclusively to the Organizer as the direct performer of the Performance Services. Refund of such amounts by the Agent is possible only ifa separate agreement is reached between the Organizer and the Agent, and the Organizer provides the Agent with the necessary funds for their return to the Buyers. 11.1.1. The Organizer returns to the Buyer only the Nominal value of the ticket, the Service Fee and the cost of Additional Services will not be refunded by the Agent or the Organizer under any circumstances. 11.2. The Agent bears no responsibility for the timeliness and completeness of the Organizer's return of funds to the Buyers. 11.3. The Agent does not control the fact of provision, improper provision or non-provision by the Organizer of the Entertainment Service to the Spectator based on the Ticket sold to him, is not present at the Event, and until receiving an official notification from the Organizer, does not know about the reasons for the Organizer's improper provision or non-provision of the Entertainment Service to the Spectator. However, for direct clarification of all questions by the Buyer/Spectator, the Agent at the first request of the Buyer informs him of the name and contact details of the Event Organizer known to the Agent. 11.4. In the event that the Organizer authorized the Agent to refund money to the Buyers who purchaseda Ticket fora canceled, postponed or changed Event, and provided the Agent with the required amount of money, in this case the Buyer can return the paid money (the face value of the ticket) by contacting the Agent with the appropriate appeal. The Agent does not chargea fee for the processing and return of the money paid to the Buyer for the purchased Ticket, while the Agent does not refund the Service Fee and the cost of Additional Services under any circumstances. 11.4.1. The agent returns funds exclusively ina non-cash manner (by crediting funds to the Buyer's bank account). The buyer undertakes to submit an application in his personal account on the Site. Funds are credited automatically to the bank card used to pay for the Tickets (Details 11.4.2. Refunds are made within 30 (thirty) days from the moment of the Buyer's request. 11.5. Unless otherwise stipulated in this Offer, the Order in part 3.1.2. this Offer (Agreement for the provision of Related Services) may not be unilaterally canceled at the initiative of the Buyer under any circumstances. The fee for services, Additional services is not returned to the Buyer, because the very fact of paying the Fee for services or Additional services confirms that the Buyer properly received (consumed) such Related Services before their payment. 11.6. By placing the Order, the Buyer confirms that he is fully familiar with and understands the grounds for its cancellation, termination of concluded contracts, refusal of the Organizer's Entertainment Service, and the Agent's Related Services, and such conditions satisfy him and are accepted by him without any reservations. The Buyer does not have the right to return the Ticket Price paid by him using payment systems, by declaring such payment invalid, including due to non-provision of the Spectator Service by the Organizer.12. TERMS OF USE OF THE CERTIFICATE
12.1. The certificate can be used only on the Site for the purpose of partial or full payment of the Ticket price. The validity of the Certificate is limited, the final date of its use is specified on the Certificate. 12.2. The identification of the Certificate isa Barcode consisting of 10 (Ten) digits (another combination of letters, symbols and numbers is possible). The specified Certificates can be in both printed and electronic form. 12.3. Disclosure of Certificate Barcodes may result in loss of ability to use said Certificate. The Agent bears no responsibility for partial or full payment of the Ticket price by the person who reported the Barcode and is not its owner. 12.4. After the expiration of the Certificate, it is considered invalid and cannot be accepted by the Agent, and the funds for such Certificates are non-refundable. 12.5. The certificate cannot be exchanged/returned. 12.6. The certificate can be used only once, after its use it becomes invalid. 12.7. When orderinga Ticket whose face value is less than the size of the Certificate, the remaining amount will not be compensated to the Buyer, and the Certificate will become invalid. 12.8. When orderinga Ticket whose face value is greater than the size of the Certificate, the Buyer undertakes to pay the difference.13. PERSONAL DATA
13.1. When placing an Order, the Buyer provides the Agent with his Personal Data and/or personal data of other persons (Spectators, etc.) - when orderinga Ticket through the Site or Point of Sale. By providing such personal data, the Buyer grants the Agent an indefinite, irrevocable and free of charge right to process them in any way, including but not limited to collection, accumulation, possession, storage, adaptation, modification, renewal, use and dissemination (distribution, sale, transfer ), depersonalization, destruction of such personal data. These actions can be carried out in the following ways: in documentary, electronic, or oral forms. 13.1.1. In the event that the Buyer provides personal data of other persons to the Agent during the execution of the Order, the Buyer hereby confirms that he has previously received the appropriate permission from them for the transfer to the Agent, indefinite storage, use and processing of their data by the Agent. The right to use and process personal data received from the Buyer includes, among others, the Agent's right to send out advertisements (posters), to received addresses, telephone numbers and electronic mail (e-mail). 13.2. The processing and use of the Buyer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (including but not exclusively in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" No. 2297-VI dated 01.06.2010). The Buyer grants the Agent an indefinite, irrevocable and free of charge right to process and use his personal data in connection with providing the Buyer with the Services stipulated by this Offer, including for the Buyer to receive advertising messages about the event, tickets for which are sold by the Agent. Due to the fact that the processing of the Buyer's personal data is carried out in connection with the performance of the contract concluded on the terms of this Offer, the Buyer's separate consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. The term of use of provided personal data is indefinite. The Buyer guarantees and is responsible for the fact that the data specified in the Order are voluntarily provided by them and third parties when issuing the Ticket, and all these persons are familiar with and agree to the terms of this Offer. 13.3. The Parties have the right to transfer the received personal data, both as part of the database and separately, to third parties only to fulfill the terms of this Offer and/or from the date of receipt of the request from the third party (to the controlling authorities), and that the other Party, in sucha case, does not will claim and be entitled to any reward or other type of compensation. The specified consent, given by the Party, taking into account the requirements of Art. 7, Art. 8 and Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data".14. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
14.1. The set of programs, data, trademarks, copyright objects, and other objects used on the Site are the intellectual property of its legal right holders and are protected by the legislation on intellectual property of Ukraine, as well as by relevant international legal treaties and conventions. Any use of elements, symbols, texts, graphic images, programs and other objects that are part of the Site, without the permission of the Agent or other legal right holder, is illegal and may lead to legal proceedings and prosecution of violators for civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 14.2. Any advertising materials placed by the Agent on the Site (objects of intellectual property including but not limited to photographs, drawings, works, signs for goods and services {trademarks}, videos, etc.) are provided by the Organizer (or the Principal). In accordance with the terms of the contract concluded between the Agent and the Organizer (or the Principal), the Organizer (or the Principal) undertakes to independently and at its own expense settle all issues related to the placement and use by the Agent of the above-mentioned advertising materials.15. FORCE MAJEURE
15.1. The Parties are released from responsibility for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations under this Offer, if such non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Offer and which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent with reasonable measures. 15.2. Force majeure circumstances (circumstances of force majeure) are extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances that objectively make it impossible to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the terms of the contract (contract, agreement, etc.), obligations according to legislative and other regulatory acts, namely: threat war, armed conflict or serious threat of such conflict, including but not limited to enemy attacks, blockades, military embargoes, acts ofa foreign enemy, general military mobilization, hostilities, declared and undeclared war, acts ofa public enemy, sedition, acts of terrorism, sabotage, piracy , disorder, invasion, blockade, revolution, mutiny, uprising, mass riots, introduction of curfew, quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, expropriation, forced seizure, seizure of enterprises, requisition, public demonstration, blockade, strike, accident, illegal actions of third parties , fire, explosion, long interruptions in the operation of transport, regulated by the terms of relevant decisions and acts of state authorities, closure of sea straits, embargo, prohibition (restriction) of export/import, etc., as well as caused by exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters, namely: epidemic, strong storm, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, storm, flood , accumulation of snow, ice, hail, frost, freezing of the sea, straits, ports, passes, earthquake, lightning, fire, drought, subsidence and landslide, other natural disasters, etc. 15.3. The presence and duration of force majeure circumstances is confirmed bya certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine of the prescribed format. 15.4. 15.4. The Buyer agrees that if the Organizer, due to force majeure, postpones the date of the Event, in this case, the money paid for the Ticket will not be returned to the Buyer, while all Tickets remain active and valid for the new Event.15.5. In the event that the Organizer held an Event for which the Buyer purchaseda Ticket, but the Buyer/Spectator was unable to attend the Event due to force majeure, illness, fear, lateness, traffic jams, accidents, road/passage closures and other restrictions that entitled the Organizer prevent the Spectator from entering the Institution, or other reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, the Contract for the provision of Spectacle Services is deemed to have been properly executed, and the nominal value of the Ticket is not returned (compensated) to the Buyer, as well as in no case is the cost of the Accompanying services (as such services are provided by the Agent in full).
16.1. The Agent is responsible only within the framework of the Contract for the provision of Related Services concluded with the Buyer, and is nota party or obligee within the framework of the Contract for the provision of Entertainment Services concluded between the Organizer and the Buyer. At the same time, in any case, the responsibility of the Agent for the provision of Related Services to the Buyer is limited to the amount of the Service Fee paid by the Buyer when purchasinga Ticket for receiving the Related Service. 16.2. The Organizer is responsible to the Buyer for non-provision or improper provision of the Entertainment Service within the scope of the concluded Agreement on the provision of the Entertainment Service. Improper provision of the Entertainment Service is the provision of such service contrary to the conditions specified in the Order and reflected in the purchased Ticket. At the same time, in any case, the Organizer's responsibility for providing the Spectacle Service to the Buyer is limited to the face value of the Ticket purchased for such Spectacle Service. 16.3. The Parties are not responsible for non-compliance of the quality of the Entertainment Service or the Related Service with the subjective expectations of the Buyer, which are not stipulated in this Offer and not specified in the Ticket. The buyer understands and agrees that his emotional and aesthetic impressions of the Spectacle service received may not correspond and do not coincide with his subjective expectations, which were formed on the basis of information that was not distributed by the Organizer, and not at his order (unofficial posters , reviews of critics, or other viewers), and therefore, such inconsistency and inconsistency is not considered improper provision of the Entertainment Service. 16.4. The Agent bears no responsibility for the postponement, replacement, change or cancellation of the Event, as well as for the preparation and holding of the Event.16.5. The Buyer agrees that the disclosure (loss, etc.) of the Barcodes (which are printed on the Ticket) may lead to the loss of the opportunity to use the said Ticket. The Agent bears no responsibility for the attendance of the Event by the person who first reported the Barcode and who is not the Buyer and/or his representative.
16.6. The buyer bears all responsibility for the violation and/or failure to comply with the norms and rules established by the state authorities of Ukraine regarding the prevention of the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine. The Organizer and the Agent bear no responsibility for the Buyer's violation and/or failure to comply with the above-mentioned norms and rules regarding the prevention of the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 on the territory of Ukraine.
16.7. The Agent bears no responsibility for any damages incurred asa result of Buyers' activities on the Site. Under no circumstances shall the Agent be liable to Buyers or third parties for any direct or indirect damages, including lost profit.
16.8. The agent bears no responsibility for the actions/inaction of banks, payment systems and for delays related to their work.
16.9. The Agent bears no responsibility for the actions of the Principal and/or the Organizer and/or third parties for the sale of Tickets, acting on their own behalf and/or on behalf of the Principal or the Organizer, as well as for the organization and fact of the Event.
17.1. Disputes that arise during the performance of the Agreement under the terms of this Offer are resolved in accordance with the claims procedure. The claim is submitted to the Agent in writing with an attachment of documents substantiating the claims made, withina period of no more than 10 (Ten) banking days from the date of occurrence of the cause of the dispute. The submitted claim is considered by the Agent withina period of no more than 10 (Ten) banking days. 17.2. If any disputes arising from this Agreement or in connection with it, including those related to its execution, violation, termination or invalidity, cannot be resolved through negotiations, then such disputes shall be considered in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine ina judicial manner at the location of the Agent. 17.3. All and any disputes between the Buyer and the Organizer that will arise from the Contract for the provision of Spectacle Services must be considered in the court at the location of the Organizer. 17.4. On all other matters not provided for in the Offer, the Parties are governed by the legislation of Ukraine.17.5. This Agreement is governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
17.6. The court's recognition of any provision of this Agreement as invalid or unenforceable shall not constitute grounds for the invalidity or non-enforcement of other provisions of this Agreement.
18.1. By placing the Order, the Buyer gives the Agent unlimited consent to receive any advertising and informational messages on messengers and/or to the e-mail address/phone provided by the Buyer when ordering the Ticket. 18.2. Information messages are intended fora wide range of potential buyers, are published on the Site and/or sent to e-mail addresses/phone numbers of Buyers who previously placed Orders. 18.3. The buyer has the right to refuse to receive advertising and informational messages (except system messages) sent to messengers and/or to the e-mail address/phone number specified when placing the Order, at any time using the functionality of such services or by written request to the Agent.If you have any questions or comments, please contact us in writing using the contacts indicated in the Offer.
19.1 The Parties determine and agree that:
- the organizer and the Agent are released from any responsibility for making changes to the time and program of the Event if these changes are caused by the announcement of an air and/or other alarm;
- announcement of an air and/or other alarm are circumstances of force majeure;
- in the event of an air and/or other alarm being announced during the Event, the Organizer has the right, at its own discretion, to continue (if such an extension is possible) or end the Event. At the same time, the Parties agree that if the Organizer makesa decision to end the Event, then in this case the Event is considered to be held by the Organizer in full, and the Buyer (Spectator) is considered to have consumed the Entertainment service in full. In this case, the Buyer will not be refunded for the purchased Tickets.
19.2. Changing the Period of the Event by the Organizer does not entail the return to the Buyer of the funds for the purchased Tickets.20. SECURITY POLICY OF PAYMENT CARD DETAILS OF BUYERS
20.1 When paying for services on the Site witha bank card, payment processing (including entering the payment card number, its validity period, CVV2/CVC2) takes place ona secure page of the processing system. Payment card data are transferred to payment service providers only in encrypted form and are not stored on the Site and/or in the System.
20.2. The processing of the Buyer's confidential data (card details, registration and other data) is protected, any third party cannot obtain the Buyer's personal and bank data through the Agent's service (Site, System). 20.3. When working with card data, the standard of information protection developed by international payment systems Visa and Master Card is used - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which ensures safe processing of details of the owner of the bank card - the Buyer. The applied data transmission technology guarantees the security of transactions with bank cards by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols and other methods. 20.4. The 3-D Secure protocol is used for additional authentication of the payment card holder during transactions using payment card details. If the Issuing Bank of the Buyer's payment card supports the specified technology after entering the payment data and agreeing to the transaction, the Buyer will be redirected to the Issuing Bank's server for additional identification.20.5. The Agent's use of the services of the Acquiring Banks for accepting online payments and making payments to payment cards is carried out in accordance with the rules of the Visa and MasterCard International payment systems and in accordance with the principles of confidentiality and security of transactions using payment card data.
21.1. If the Client has chosen the English version of the Site, the price of all Tickets is automatically displayed ina foreign currency (Euro).. 21.2. The client who chose the Ticket to the West, the cost of which is determined ina foreign currency (Euro), agrees that the payment initiated by the Buyer from his card account is automatically calculated in the national currency of Ukraine - the hryvnia, which is equivalent to the corresponding cost ina foreign currency (Euro) for the exchange rate used by acquiring banks and/or payment systems at the time the Buyer initiates sucha transfer.
21.2.1. The Client understands and agrees that the Ticket Price in foreign currency (Euro) on the Agent's Website is informative and is determined by the average exchange rate on the day of payment, and asa result may differ from the amount of money actually debited from the Buyer in connection with the difference in exchange rates (Ukrainian hryvnia to Euro). The final Ticket Price is determined on the page of the acquiring bank and/or payment system.21.2.2. When purchasinga Ticket, the Client agrees that the exchange rate of foreign currency (Euro) to the Ukrainian hryvnia is determined and carried out by acquiring banks and/or payment systems, while the Agent has no relation to the formation of currency exchange rates.
21.2.3. By makinga payment, the Client fully and unequivocally agrees with the exchange rate (Ukrainian hryvnia to Euro). If the Client does not agree with the exchange rate (Ukrainian hryvnia to Euro), then in this case the Client can refuse to pay in foreign currency (Euro) and make payment in the national currency of Ukraine - hryvnia.
21.3. Separately, we draw your attention and ask you to be careful when making payments with the conversion of Ukrainian hryvnia to Euro, as the exchange rates of payment systems and the National Bank may differ, the actual amount of the write-off is carried out at the current commercial exchange rate.